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Oopsie Doodles of NC & KY

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What size dogs do you have?
A: We raise standard size, medium size, and mini-small size. Our standards are expected to be 51+ lbs. Our mediums are expected to be 36- 50 lbs. Our minis are expected to be 25-35 lbs.
Q: What is the difference between F1, F1b, F1bb and Multi-Gen?
A: F1 means 50% poodle and 50% other breed
F1b means 75% poodle and 25% other breed
F1bb means 83% poodle and 17% other breed
Multi-Gen refers to doodles that have been bred back to each other for
more than 3 generations
Q: What do I need to know about grooming my doodle?
A: Doodles require grooming on a consistent schedule. A good brush will be helpful for weekly maintenance. Grooming can be done as often as you wish. Some people take their dogs every 6-8 weeks for trims. Others prefer a longer coat and do not trim as often, but brush regularly to keep coat from getting matted. Find a groomer that is familiar with doodles and the types of trims that work best for them.
Q: Will my dog shed?
A: The doodles blend the beauty of the poodle's non-shedding coat and the golden or lab's waves and longer wisps. Oopsie Doodle's pups are F1b (75% poodle) or F1bb (87.5% poodle) -- the most hypo-allergenic you can be without being a full poodle.
Q: When will my litter arrive?
A: We estimate litter arrivals based on a dog's typical cycling timeframe. Females typically cycle every 6 months. However, since nature is in control, sometimes a female's cycle can go early or late (which is out of our control). Once a female cycles, she is bred approximately 12 days later. At that point, the waiting game begins for the mom's 63 day gestation period. Once pups arrive, they will stay in mom's care for approximately 8 weeks or until clearance from vet has been given.
Q: How do I make a reservation?
A: Reservations are $500. They are non-refundable, but they are transferable to another litter if your timing or situation requires a change. Invoices are sent and reservations are made through WAVE (credit card or bank transfer). Remaining balance on account is expected at pick-up on homecoming day (through cash or through WAVE prior to arrival).
Q: How are puppy selections made?
A: We allow families to make selection once reservation is made and the litter has had their first vet visit (Week 1). We will also send you a survey in Week 2 to help understand more about your family dynamics and wishes in adding a new family member. After second vet visit (Week 6), pups are temperament tested. We will then relay that information to you so that when your pup comes home, you will best know your pup's characteristics for training purposes. (Breeder reserves, but may not exercise, the right to first selection of each litter.)
Q: When is my pup ready to come home?
A: Your pup will be ready to go home at 8 weeks (but homecoming date will be verified by our vet at the 6 week check up). Your pup will be checked by our vet, have first shots, be microchipped, have a weight check and be given a green light to go home. Pups begin their transition to solid food by week 5 and will be weaned from momma before being vet checked. We ask that you sign up for a pick-up time when you receive the link via email for homecoming at week 3. If you will need to secure other transportation (flight nanny or ground transport) we ask that you let us know when reservation is made so that we can arrange necessary transportation. Within three working days of bringing home your pup, you will need to have your pup checked by your own vet. Please call in advance to have your appointment scheduled.
Q: Is it possible for me to visit a potential puppy or the puppy I have reserved?
A: We do not allow in-person visits before they receive their first shots (between 6 and 7 weeks of age). This policy is in place to safeguard the health of our puppies. Once they have received their first shots, you are welcome to schedule a 20-30 minute visit. We kindly ask for your understanding with our limited times as we work diligently to maintain consistent schedules to ensure the well-being of our puppies and their parents. Prior to their first shots, we are happy to arrange a video chat so you can interact with puppies virtually. We hope to meet you!
Q: Is there anything my pup will need?
A: The main things your pup will need is a safe place to call their own spot and some food. We recommend crate training to help with safety, potty training, and comfort.
Q: When is it okay to introduce my pup to the world?
A: We know you'll be excited to take your new pup out and about, for walks in the neighborhood, to the park, or to visit friends and family. However, it is vital that you protect your pup from outside sources until he or she receives full immunizations at four months. Your pup will have first set of shots before homecoming and you will need to schedule additional shots regimen with your vet and to maintain our health guarantee.
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